Our SAT Prep and ACT Prep are tailored to the unique needs of each student. Meeting 1 on 1 allows us to be attentive in ways a large group-style test prep class cannot.
We have recently made the transition to move all of our test prep services online. We did this in response to the needs of our students, and have found this to be more convenient for both the students and families, while not sacrificing quality or results, which are so important to us.
Sessions take place over Skype or Facetime, with shared computer screens and whiteboard technology when needed. All of the tutoring is still 1 to 1.
Our SAT & ACT Prep are offered in 10, 15, and 20 hour packages:
We assess where the student is presently by looking at previous test scores, academic strengths and weaknesses, and issues with test-taking. We also discuss scoring goals and make sure they are reasonable, and in line with the student’s colleges of interest. We also help decide whether the SAT or ACT is the best test to take for that particular student.
We address overall test-taking and exam preparation strategies with the student, some of which can be applied across the entire test, and some that are section specific. Understanding how the test is structured is important in learning how to approach it, and in developing strategies.
We teach section-specific strategies. Dissecting how each section is presented is important as well. There are ways of approaching questions in each section that are unique, and we teach how to best navigate this.
We help to manage test anxiety. This is an issue that more and more students face when prepping for the SAT or ACT. By providing them a chance to talk about their worries, we can help them to demystify those feelings so they don’t get in the way of performance.
We use practice tests that are approved by the College Board®, and ACT® which are the organizations that administer the tests. Our students’ progress and benchmarks aren’t based on a test we created but on actual exams. Not all companies do this, and it is oftentimes a way for them to manipulate student scores and “progress”. We don’t believe in that approach.
Unlike some other test prep services, we don’t spend entire sessions watching students take tests. That’s not the best use of our time and is not something you should be paying for. While a portion of a given session may be devoted to observing how a student approaches problems, the bulk of our time is focused on content, strategies, and helping them be fully prepared for test day.